Wednesday, July 28, 2010

MacDaddy in Lewiston

MacDaddy and I spent the weekend in Lewiston, New York at a baseball tournament. Baseball games have a longer running time compared to softball. Softball games run about 1 hour 30 minutes VS 2-21/2 hours for a baseball game. The rain delays made the games even longer. The Oakville A's finished first in their pool, but were eliminated on Sunday. A first for the A's in tournament play, who in the past three tournaments they played in went undefeated and took home gold.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Provincial Qualifiers in Niagara Falls

A-mac and I spent a weekend driving back and forth to Niagara Falls for her Provincial Qualifier tournament. She was coming off an eye doctor visit where she was advised not to use her contacts for a week, and a hurt wrist that kept her from playing for a week... from the "ball and stick". She started batting 9th - only nine bat. She hit the ball well and ended batting 5th. Still hits the ball harder than others on the team or in her league. Great tournament... and your welcome for getting your cleats :-)

Friday, July 23, 2010

Wisdom Teeth OUT!

Yesterday morning, I was at the dentist office with A-mac who was getting her wisdom teeth pulled. Too funny....we ran into our old neighbor. She was there with her daughter who had just finished getting her wisdom teeth out. The was comforting to A-mac who kept on telling me she was going to die. I had to point out that A walked out on her own two feet. A-mac was still very anxious and in tears saying she wanted to go home. She even cried, "I want daddy." I told her if her dad brought her that we'd have to pick him up off the floor due to fainting. I was able to stay with her while they started the IV and then told her I'd see her in a bit. Not even 2 minutes after I left the room, the nurse came out said A-mac is calm and they have started the procedure. IV drugs are doin their thing. She doesn't remember any of it. 45 minutes later...Done! She was up and texting her ice cream order to Big D. Oh, BTW...they gave her wisdom teeth in a bag as a souvenir. She was sore the first day and took Tylenol with coedine and iced her cheeks 20 min on and 20 min off every hour. She woke up today a little swollen and now managing her discomfort with Advil. A-mac has even admitted that she made it out to be much worse than it really was.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

A-mac's 8th Grade Graduation

St. Mark's 8th Grade Graduation was held on June 23, 2010 at Le Dome in Oakville. Students, parents/relatives, faculty and staff celebrated with mass, an awards ceremony, slide show and a dinner and dance minus the parents. Alex's achievements included Honor Roll, 8th grade Math Award and the Student Achievement Award (a.k.a. The Acamdemic Beast Award). Congratulations, Alex! We are proud of you.

A's win Again!

This is starting to sound like a broken record -- the Oakville A's minor mosquito AAA baseball team went 5-0 on the weekend at the OMBA Oakville A's Minor Mosquito tournament. MacDaddy had an awsome weekend hitting (a hit at every at bat except for when he was HBP 2x and walked. He has baseball seam marks on his elbow and his side on his rib cage) and watched himself climb up the batting order. He was named MVP of the semi-final game. In the final game, he batted 4th. The team is now three for three in tournament play this season with a 16-0 record in the 3 tourneys.
The A's are headed to NY in two weeks to take on some US competition.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Cleveland Indians Game July 2010

Alex and I went to an Indians game on Wednesday, June 30. Good seats... bought from ticket booth 15 minutes prior to game.