Monday, November 15, 2010

This Turkey says, "Welcome to the Jungle"

Andrew's class is having a Disguise A Turkey Contest. Objective is to disguise Tom Turkey so that the farmer will not recognize him.

Once upon a time on Farmers Joe`s Farm, there lived a turkey who loved rock and roll. He dreamed he could play the electric guitar like the Guns N` Roses lead guitarist, SLASH. One fall day, he over heard the farmer telling his wife how their going to have a big, meaty, juicy turkey this Thanksgiving. Tom was scared when he realized they were talking about him because he was the only turkey on the farm.

He needed a plan to escape because he did not want to be eaten. He had to come up with a plan fast. A few days later on the barn radio, he heard the band Guns N` Roses was not going to play their Dallas, Texas stop on their world tour because SLASH was ill. Tom Turkey immediately he had an idea. He got his cell phone and called the band saying,” I will play lead guitar.” Guns N Roses said they would send Turkey a Limo in 1 hour.

TomTurkey ran quickly to the hay loft where he kept his cedar chest. Inside was his halloween costume Slash. Quickly he put on the long, black, curly wig and top hat. He grabbed his shades and electric guitar and ran down the dirt road to meet the waiting limo. The limo went straight to the American Airlines Center.

Slash, the Electric Turkey got out of the limo and ran onto the stage to the microphone to sing the opening song, Welcome To The Jungle. He loved being on stange up front of thousands of fans. By the end of the concert,he was almost out of breath. Turkey took off his shades and screamed ROCK ON!

Turkey was all over the TV so farmer Joe saw Turkey and said to Ma, “ We cannot eat him for Thanksgiving now that he is a super star.” Turkey was so good and the fans loved him so they let him join the band. Now Turkey could play on stage right there next to SLASH. Slash turned to Tom Turkey and said, “Welcome to the Jungle.”

Friday, November 12, 2010


A-mac, Lil'Lefty and MacDaddy doin' the WAVE at a Toronto Blue Jays game in 2006.