Wednesday, September 3, 2008

First Day of School

We had a busy summer. Lot's of "ball". We went on trips to Cleveland, Pennsylvania, Washington DC, New York City, Toledo, Buffalo, Niagara Falls and several other Canadian cities. There were very few, I can only remember one (probably the activity was cancelled due to rain), days where the calendar was blank. It rained a lot. It was cooler (mostly in the 70's) than a Texas summer. There was constant activity in our house. I include A-mac banging away at the computer and Lil Lefty and Mac Daddy playing on the Wii or outside playing with neighborhood pals.
School started yesterday. Adorned in new clothing and backpacks full of school supplies and lunch boxes packed (oh, how I miss hot lunch!), all three kids excitedly headed off to thier first day of school in their new classrooms. Luckily, none of my kids were banished to a portable classroom in the parking lot. After one day, feedback was the expected "goods" and "bads" of who they got as their teacher, friends in or not in their classes, etc..

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