Sunday, March 14, 2010

Passage to San Juan

I caught a stomach bug Wednesday night, but had important meetings on Thursday and Friday for work so had to fight through it. We left for Cleveland after my Friday meeting. About 100 miles outside of Cleveland, MacDaddy "barfed" in the back seat, while driving through a construction area, of course!

We arrived at Nana and Papa's house with MacDaddy sick and in his underwear. MacMom and Lil Lefty quickly followed with their bought of stomach virus soon after. At 1am, with MacMom crying and sick on the steps, there was no way we were leaving on the cruise. I spent the entire night sleeping on the floor with Lil Lefty waking every time she had to visit the bathroom.

At 6:00am, I figured there was no way we would catch our 9:ooam flight. A-Mac hadn't visited the bathroom at all. She was wavering. I felt much better, but not 100%.

We decided better to be sick in 90 degree weather than 30 degree weather and headed to the airport at 7:15am. Lil Lefty barfed stomach bile in the car, into a bowl, on the drive to the airport. Bowl provided unselfly by big sister.

We made it to the flight. Very bumpy 4 hour flight. A-Mac didn't make it all the way throwing up the last 30 minutes of the flight into a plastic bag we had bought.

Needless to say, we made it to a fabulous resort.

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