Monday, June 27, 2011


a basin in the courtyard of Palazzo Vecchio "Boy with Fish" by Verrocchio 1476
Florence Duomo
Ponte Vecchio 1345
1st bridge across the Arno River
only one to survive WWII
roof tops of Florence


Medieval Palazzo
Iron rings that held torches to light the town

Cathedrale di Santa Maria del Fiore

Bronze boar --rub nose for good luck and roll a coin in the mouth and you will return to Florence one day

MacDaddy picks up a Fedora hat from one of the many outdoor markets.
There were also lots of leather goods for sale.

Knock off Prada for Lil' Lefty
Piazza Della Signoria/Palazzo Vecchio Mussolini delivers a speech from balcony
Mussolini , 40th Prime Minister of Italy (1922) and leader of
National Facist Party (1940) led Italy into WWII
Palazza Vecchio
copy of Michelangelo's David

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