Saturday, December 3, 2011

Where was I? World Series Game #7

Oct 28, 2011 - World Series Game 7 Tonight… baseball has been an important constant in my life. I enjoy the game… I have many fond childhood memories with friends, and my Dad (playing catch, going to the batting cage before games, allowing the AC to run in the car J… ) high school and college baseball was exciting, I wish I knew then what I know now about the game… I played on a Connie Mack team that won a national title (Farmington, New Mexico)… I played until 30 years old when the time commitment became too much…

I can remember going to many Rangers games at the old Arlington stadium… had season tickets at Skydome… I am blessed to have kids that enjoy playing the game… it has been a conduit to many life learning experiences that I have shared with them… it creates a reason to talk if ever silence…

I played Fantasy baseball for years… I can remember getting stats in the mail, and making trades before the midnight Sunday deadline… the draft was a blast… we went to Disney World the year I won both the AL and NL…

I love baseball movies, collect baseball memorabilia and enjoy the history of baseball as a backdrop against the history of the USA… Ken Burns is the man… it is odd that I don’t watch that many MLB baseball games, and would much prefer going to the Rough Riders… I don’t have a favorite team… My favorite player is Lou Gehrig followed closely by Derek Jeter…

I remember an early date with Natalie at the old Cleveland Municipal Stadium where she read a book while I watched the Indians… since then, our family has structured a vacation to California making sure we saw the stadiums for the Dodgers, Padres and Angels… my son and I have been in old Yankee Stadium by ourselves… we have been to Cooperstown… when we moved from DFW to Toronto I made sure we stayed over in St Louis, and then KC to see the stadiums… took the tour of Fenway… saw a Cubs game with my oldest… we once drove from the “long way” to Cleveland from Toronto in order to stop at the new Tiger’s stadium… I took my middle daughter to Camden Yards and RFK while at a baptism weekend… we have spent three spring breaks on both sides of Florida at spring training games… we saw a World Baseball Classic game in Miami…

I have watched most, if not all, of this year’s World Series games… I have had no real desire to go to a game… probably odd… I enjoyed our family watching game #6 until 11:30pm last night, a school night…

My son has a hockey game tonight at 6:30pm… same night as World Series Game 7... I’ll catch the end of the World Series Game… but won’t miss my son’s hockey game… or any of my kid’s activities… I will, however, remember where I was during Game 7 of the 2011 World Series…

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