Sunday, June 10, 2012

Sometimes You Win... Sometimes You Loose...

Over the last few years I can think of dozens of games that you have to say "Maddie won".  Games where either her pitching or her hitting were the differentiator and absolutely caused the team to win.

Playing in an important pool game in a VTD Qualifier Maddie went to left field.  The game was tied 3-3 with time expired.  Bases were loaded with two outs.  Maddie was hit a high fly ball...  she was under it... it hit her palm and popped out...  we ended up loosing 7-3.

You learn more about a person under duress than in good times.

I didn't yell at Maddie.

Maddie was appropriately disappointed, embarrassed and apologized to teammates for loosing the game.  I saw it happen...  I also saw her teammates say "no problem"...

After the coaches talk, Maddie was appropriately quiet...  and waited a few minutes by herself...

The neat thing about softball...  is there is always another game...

We had a good talk about being prepared, practice makes perfect, everyone makes mistakes, "get-em" next time, shake it off,...  all on the ride home...  actually, one of our better talks on the ride home...  proud of my kid...

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