Thursday, January 29, 2009

First Kiss

I was driving Lil' Lefty to her dad so that he could get her to Softball and she asked me if it was bad to kiss? I replied, it depends on who is doing the kissing? She then proceeded to tell me that she kissed a boy this past summer. It is someone she routinely plays with. She explained that this boy repeatedly told her he wanted to kiss her. One day while playing in his backyard with a whole group of neighborhood kids, Lil' Lefty and the 10 year old boy were in his tree house together. He asked if he could kiss her again? She told me she figured if she would let him kiss her, he would stop asking. She told me they kissed just as his little brother was making his way up into the fort. I then asked her what it was like? She said it was just a kiss like mom or dad give her at bedtime when saying goodnight. Just a peck! She said their was no tongue touching like on TV. That's just gross! I asked her if the little boy has ever asked to kiss her again? NO, she replied (I guess their curiosity was satisfied...thank goodness) and then asked me not to tell daddy of our conversation because it was private girl talk.

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