Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Parenting Rules - My Four Big Ones

I realize that as a parent I must be flexible with my rules and change with the times as needed. I read ya' dawg.... (just trying to show my hipness)

I have four general rules that are continually tested. I have already broken on one.

Rule #1 ) No video games. I will buy/supply many "bats and balls", and outdoor activity opportunities to my kids. I have no pride in knowing that my kid is a great Mario Sport player. I have seen the movie The Last Starfighter (1984) and understand that video games are only a training ground for future galactic fighters. I just don't get it. Play outside.

Rule #2 ) No PC in personal room. We will have multiple PCs in the house and kids will have access to a PC in a common room. There are so many things that separate a family as we change that I do not want to provide the opportunity for a kid to disappear into their room for hours on end with their PC.

Rule #3) No TV in a personal room. See Rule #2 for the general concept.

Rule #4) If I am paying the bill for a cell phone I expect it to be answered or a call back within 10 minutes of my call. Texting is great, but to me it is a communication requirement for busy kids.

I have to admit that I have broken on Rule #1 and we have had a Wii for over a year. I somewhat enjoy Guitar Hero/Rock Band but am not sure the Scorpions were thinking "Red Yellow Red Red Red" when they wrote Rock You Like a Hurricane. I suspect if we didn't have 6 months of cold in Canada I might have had a better chance of maintaining my stance on this rule.

I suspect that Rule #2 will be tested as higher education is starting to demand the use of a laptop. I am actively trying to re-write my position on this rule.

I believe I am still good on Rule #3 and Rule # 4.

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