Friday, March 20, 2009

Orioles Spring Training Game in Ft. Lauderdale

First off, the girl in the white hat is Lil' Lefty. She made her first spring training game appearance the last day of Spring Break. MacMom was yet to step foot in a ballpark. Her tan is better than mine.

We had two good seats at Ft. Lauderdale Stadium to watch the Mets play the Orioles. I let Lil Lefty sit with A-mac while MacDaddy and I sat several rows back.

Lil Lefty and A-mac sit in the "good seats". Look for A-mac's pink shirt and Lil Lefty's white hat. There were very few kids at the game. Lot's of older people.

This picture is from the ramp showing where A-mac was trying to get autographs. She is in the pink shirt.

Along with the tickets the day cost me four hot dogs ($4 each), three pretzels ($3.50 each), three large lemonades ($5 each), two ice creams in hats ($5 each), one pizza ($6), two snow cones ($4 each), a hamburger ($6) a diet coke ($5) and a cotton candy ($4).
A day at the ballpark with my kids - "PRICELESS"

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