Friday, April 30, 2010

A-Mac Friday Night at Whitby

A-Mac and the Blazers are playing in the Whitby tournament this weekend. Game 1 on Friday night, A-mac struck out her first at bat and then ripped a grounder up the middle that went all the way to the fence. A good hit, but probably not worth the triple she ended up with.

A-Mac is 7 for 14 so far and has hit "OK", but I have high expectations!

A-Mac Exhibition Game

A-Mac had an exhibition game against Mississauga North Bantam II. Brampton won their third game in a row. A-Mac played well at first and hit well. The first at bat was a line drive to deep left field. The camera work needs improvement.

We are working on using her wrists more which increases her bat speed A LOT!!!, AND compliments her existing swing mechanics. (i.e. balance, rotation, ...)

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Congrats MacDaddy on Making Erindale Spitfires Atom A

Congrats MacDaddy!!! MacDaddy had his first tryout of 3 for the Erindale Spitfires Atom A rep hockey team. After the first day of try outs, he made the team. Over 25 kids tried out and 14 made the team. 4 teammates from last year did not make the team. Kiss a "couple thousand $" away :-). Happy to pay. MacDaddy is excited.

MacDaddy did OK at the tryout... not his best. MacMom said he was tired before we got there.

Friday, April 23, 2010

A-Mac First Exhibition Game

A-Mac played her first exhibition game at Roselea. It may be a long season for her team. A-Mac struck out in the first inning but followed with a line drive to right center for a double her second at bat, arguably the best hit for the team. She batted 5th. I have suggested that A-Mac needs to be an outfield line drive hitter, and drive in runs. It is OK to strike out as long as taking good swings and always having a hit to the outfield in the next at bat. She is not a "slap" or punch-n-judy hitter.
A-Mac can still improve her batspeed. She needs to make sure she doesn't drop her hands or the bat head on her load, and that her left shoulder doesn't open too early. When her timing is on she is going to hit the ball a LONG way.
In the video below she had an OK swing and hit the ball in the sweat spot for a line drive double to right center.

A-Mac played "impeccable" first base making several nice plays on bad throws. Who would have known that she would be a first baseman. She did well.

Monday, April 19, 2010


MacDaddy's Family Story

I had to write and share a story about some people in my family for school. I called up Minga and asked her to tell me a story about her and Grandpa Tim. She told me about the after Christmas fire in Massachusetts because Grandpa Tim put too much wrapping paper in the fireplace. The fire was huge and some of the fire came out and burned the carpet. They put the fire out with a fire extinguisher. She also told me that Aunt Nancy had a horse named , Snowball, who stepped on Grandma Kowal's foot.

I wrote about their move to Texas.

Minga and Grandpa Tim had 2 kids-my dad and Aunt Karen. They lived in Reading, Massachusetts. In 1974, they moved to Plano, TX. They drove all the way from Massachusetts to Texas in a station wagon. The car had no AC and it was a hot summer day. There was also a dog and a cat in the car with them. Minga was drinking a bottle of Coke and put it down. Later, they heard a big POP and they thought they had a flat tire. It wasn't a flat tire. It was Minga's Coke. The top popped off and it exploded all over the car.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

MacDaddy First Exhibition Game

MacDaddy played his first exhibition game of the 2010 season. He started in center field and batted 2nd. This was his first time facing live pitching in league play and he seemed "nervous". We had gone to the park for an hour before his game and he hit everything I threw at him. It didn't carry over into the game. However, he was not alone as no one really hit well... the whole team seemed timid... oh yeah, the game took 2 1/2 hours to finish.

MacDaddy's First Pitch in a Game

I was fortunate to get a video of MacDaddy's first pitch in a game. He didn't walk a batter in one inning. Before he went out to pitch he told me he was "nervous". I hope you will get the opportunity to be nervous many more times... because it means you are having fun!!! Love, Dad

Sunday, April 11, 2010

A-Mac Batting at the School

Lil Lefty was the photographer first. She then hit a bucket of balls along with MacDaddy. The video is A-Mac hitting tennis balls pitched by me...

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Pool's OPEN!

Our pool guy, Aaron, and his assistant came and opened our pool today. Below you can see them pulling out the cover and rolling it up for storage. I will see the pool guy every week now through the end of September when he comes to do the weekly cleaning and check the salt and chemical levels. Unfortunately, this is not like in the movies... I was not lucky enough to get a pool guy who is good "eye candy".
The pool temperature is a chilly 44 degrees. MacDaddy wanted to go swimming. He felt the water and said it was warm. I told him absolutely not!!! Too bad the pool wasn't open last Tuesday. We had beautiful weather since last Wednesday, and Friday-Monday was sunny and unseasonably warm for Spring with temps in the high 70's/low 80's. The ducks are going to be mad tomorrow when they come for their morning swim and see that the algae marsh is gone.

Monday, April 5, 2010

CTV News Toronto at The Daily Food Bank, Toronto

A-mac worked at The Daily Bread Food Bank today in Toronto sorting and packing food. She can be seen in the background of the video. Look for her hair and TNA sweat shirt. She is asked a question at the end of the news report. I think the cat got her tongue!

The Daily Bread Food Drive Toronto

A-mac and a friend worked the Daily Bread Food Drive in Toronto sorting and packing food. The Toronto Sun interviewed A-mac. Only one comment from her interview made it into the article...and of course they misspelled our last name. A-mac is in the background at the end of the video. Look for her hair. Her back is to the camera and she is wearing a white T-shirt.

MacDaddy's New Bike

MacDaddy cashed in his Bunny Coupon for a new 24" mountain bike.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter!

A unicycle for Lil Lefty!

Lil Lefty looks on as MacDaddy reads his Bunny Coupon good for a new bike.

MacDaddy does the math and figures out that they are hunting for 18 eggs each.

Thanks Easter Bunny!

Coloring Easter Eggs

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Lil Lefty First Game

Lil Lefty's team played their first outside game over Easter weekend. The weather was fantastic. The whole family was there to watch and enjoy the Canadian outdoors. The Mississauga Tigers beat the Oakville Angels a lot - to - a little. It wasn't even that close! Lil Lefty pitched 3 innings and pitched well, not great, but well enough figuring she hadn't pitched for a month with spring break and allergy related problems including a double ear infection. The kid has a lot of talent, probably more than she realizes.