Monday, April 19, 2010

MacDaddy's Family Story

I had to write and share a story about some people in my family for school. I called up Minga and asked her to tell me a story about her and Grandpa Tim. She told me about the after Christmas fire in Massachusetts because Grandpa Tim put too much wrapping paper in the fireplace. The fire was huge and some of the fire came out and burned the carpet. They put the fire out with a fire extinguisher. She also told me that Aunt Nancy had a horse named , Snowball, who stepped on Grandma Kowal's foot.

I wrote about their move to Texas.

Minga and Grandpa Tim had 2 kids-my dad and Aunt Karen. They lived in Reading, Massachusetts. In 1974, they moved to Plano, TX. They drove all the way from Massachusetts to Texas in a station wagon. The car had no AC and it was a hot summer day. There was also a dog and a cat in the car with them. Minga was drinking a bottle of Coke and put it down. Later, they heard a big POP and they thought they had a flat tire. It wasn't a flat tire. It was Minga's Coke. The top popped off and it exploded all over the car.

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