Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Pool's OPEN!

Our pool guy, Aaron, and his assistant came and opened our pool today. Below you can see them pulling out the cover and rolling it up for storage. I will see the pool guy every week now through the end of September when he comes to do the weekly cleaning and check the salt and chemical levels. Unfortunately, this is not like in the movies... I was not lucky enough to get a pool guy who is good "eye candy".
The pool temperature is a chilly 44 degrees. MacDaddy wanted to go swimming. He felt the water and said it was warm. I told him absolutely not!!! Too bad the pool wasn't open last Tuesday. We had beautiful weather since last Wednesday, and Friday-Monday was sunny and unseasonably warm for Spring with temps in the high 70's/low 80's. The ducks are going to be mad tomorrow when they come for their morning swim and see that the algae marsh is gone.

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