Friday, October 12, 2012

"DADDY BALL" Baby!!!

A player on our Texas Glory Adkins Team just quit this weekend, a day before a tournament.  Her Dad sent emails to the Coach, and other parents explaining why his daughter quit the team.  Among numerous factual inaccuracies, and obvious vision problems he was pretty "mean" to the coach.  The Coach has given up his time for the team...  until you've done it you don't know how much time it takes...

Yes, and as hard as it is to believe, he spent a good amount of typing complaining about me.  My goodness, he said our team was all "DADDY BALL".  So, I did a Google search on "DADDY BALL" and found this excerpt from an article.


 “We lost that game because of Daddy Ball.”  Maybe I am a little slow at times to figure things out, but either way, the light bulb in my head finally turned on and I realized what “Daddy Ball” is all about.   Ah ha!  We blame losses on coach’s kids.  One of the coach’s kids makes an a couple errors and the manager stays with him or the manager’s son is pitching and can’t throw a strike and he leaves him in there and he walks the park.  Manager’s son plays short stop the whole game and can’t catch a cold, costs the team runs, and we never switch him out.   These are only a few of many “Daddy Ball” examples out there, and I am sure that if I were to ask, I would hear a hundred or so more!  Are people who say those things justified?  Are managers and coaches guilty of this?  Is there a way to fix this?

For what it is worth, here are my two cents on the topic.  First of all, it is impossible to rid the world of “Daddy Ball.”  And to be honest, I feel we sometimes use this term as a crutch or a way to justify a loss.  Basically, “Daddy Ball” is playing favorites, plain and simple.  The coach and or manager are accused of playing his favorite players (the coaching staff’s kids) in the most critical positions because of the game because he can. "


You can also search Google and find the same article.  There is more... but, since I was the "target" of the DADDY BALL comparison, I assume based on what I have read, that Maddie is the reason we occasionally loose our championship game... because Maddie is pitching, or hitting in the position she is...  um, ... if that is his perception, I guess it wouldn't be worth my effort to argue.  And it is probably a good decision for them to move to a better team.

He did give some publicity to this blog... told the parents I was egotistical, and that is why I keep the blog...  I guess he didn't read all the blog posts...

Ten years ago, I would have written a two page email response... now, I have realized that you can't please everyone all the time...

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