Sunday, October 14, 2012


When I retire I am going to collect my thoughts and write a book.  My guess is that I would sell ONE copy!!!   I've got some logic on people's general desire to belong to groups, and some thoughts on the importance of passion in life.  

Rod Stewart had in right when he wrote the following... 

"Even the president needs passion
Everybody I know needs some passion
Some people die and kill for passion
Nobody admits they need passion"

I have come to believe that it's really important to be passionate about something ... not to the crazed level, but probably close...

I suspect people can be passionate about work, church, hobbies, activities, and probably not many limits...  passions change as you age, quality over quantity, and I assume a healthy component of a fulfilling life... I have mine...

Andrew has played hockey for 6 years.  I think it is an amazing TEAM sport.  The movie Miracle, and the whole 1980 USA Olympic Hockey team story is the greatest sport story of all time... but the odd part is that I DON'T skate... never played hockey...

I hope during my parenting years I can help cultivate passions in my kids lives... I’m sure I would do anything to support their passion... not sure it has to be obvious... 

I am sitting at an ice rink watching my son play 3 on 3 at open hockey for the Alliance Bulldogs...

Something STRANGE has happened over the last two weeks...  for each of the last 16 days my son has been on the ice a minimum of an hour, up to three hours...  he asked me to take him to open hockey, and he played a game this morning... he is starting to ask about specific equipment, says his new skates are amazing and is mad the NHL is on strike ... he is stick handling and shooting in the garage... 

I NEVER expect him to play in the NHL... but way more important, I think he may have FOUND IT!!!

1 comment:

sports fan said...

Hi, nice post. Would you please consider adding a link to my website on your page. Please email me back and I would be happy to give you our link.

