Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas Day

Mom and Dad's wake up call came at 6:30 am. Lil' Lefty and MacDaddy were
quite anxious to get downstairs to get to down to business...opening presents.Santa came. No coal in these stockings! A-mac stocking and presents
off to side. Not everything would fit under the tree.Lululemon sweatshirt and pants for Lil' LeftyCoach bag for A-mac.I think he likes it!

Fried turkey for dinner.

Lil'Lefty and MacDaddy say our dinner blessing.

Happy Birthday Baby Jesus!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Eve

One gift to open and cookies for Santa.

Christmas Eve Skate

I spent seven (7), I said "seven", hours earlier today driving around to find the "perfect gift". I hate to report there is not a lot of selection in Canada. Even thought about driving to Buffalo. Oh well. The weather report predicts rain tomorrow and temperatures above freezing for a few days. It was nice all three kids got in a skate before summer hits. I figure if we live in Canada at least we could have a white Christmas.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009


MacDaddy's new message on his dry erase board in his bedroom.

Christmas Tree Pizza

A-mac and Lil' Lefty make a pepperoni Christmas Tree pizza for lunch.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Olympic Torch Relay - Right Near Our House

The Olympic Torch Relay made it's way through Mississauga and was a few miles from our house. It is the 51st day of the Torch relay across Canada's many communities En route to Vancouver (55 more days to go). The Relay began on October 30th in Victoria, BC. A-Mac and I braved the cold temps and saw the torch. Vancouver 2010.
The Olympic Cauldron will be lit in Vancouver February 12, 2010.

Backyard Rink - SUCCESS!!!

I had a moment of "warmth" when
MacDaddy started skating on the backyard rink.
Mark the date, December 19th.
Mac Pond is open for the season.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Gingerbread Houses and Gingerbread MAN

A-mac's Gingerbread house
Lil' Lefty's Gingerbread house
MacDaddy's Gingerbread Man

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Backyard Rink - Phase Three

I have a good feeling about the ice this year. Phase Three is almost complete. 16 hours of water is in the tarp within the frame. Now all we need is some good ol' fashion Canadian cold!!!

We did have to did have to skip a day of showers because all of our water was diverted to the backyard. Just kidding :-)

Backyard Rink - Phase Two

Phase One was building the frame.
The frame has to be built before the ground freezes.
Phase Two is putting the tarp in the frame.
I am happy to report that Phase Two was successfully completed last night after work with the help of MacDaddy & Lil' Lefty.
Let the cold temps come!!!

Monday, December 14, 2009

St. Michaels Majors

It was Erindale Day at the Mississauga St. Michael's Majors game. So I can remember, Erindale is one of the 8 hockey organizations in the Mississauga Hockey League. About 1,000,000 live in Mississauga, Ontario. The Majors are in the Ontario Hockey League (OHL). As I have learned, I think, the OHL is a professional league. Players have given up the possibility of a scholarship. Players have been drafted by NHL teams, but this is not the shuttle back and forth to the NHL. This is more like AA baseball (or even A baseball). MacDaddy and I went with his team and watched the Majors beat the Ottawa 67's 8-0, and only one fight.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

O Christmas Tree!

Seems we are running out of time to visit the tree farm in Milton this year. With Christmas two weeks ago, and the kids asking when we were going to get a Christmas tree, we jumped in the Yukon and headed down Lakeshore to Port Credit where we purchased this years Christmas Tree, a 7ft Fraser Fur for the bargain price of $50, from a short little Italian man who move to Canada 52 years ago. He came to Canada from Italy and opened a butcher shop in Little Italy in downtown Toronto. He retired many years ago, and sells Christmas trees around the holiday and flowers in the Spring. Sweet old man who enjoyed MacDaddy and Lil' Lefty's song and dance with Christmas tree branches.

O Christmas Tree! O Christmas Tree!
Much pleasure thou can'st give me;
How often has the Christmas tree
Afforded me the greatest glee!

Reason to be Callus

A few weeks back I noticed that I had a callus (or dry skin) on the outside of my pinkie finger. The odd thing was that I had the same thing on both pinkie fingers. I assumed that with old age came a few spots and some changes in my sweet, subtle skin. Just getting old. It was weird that they were the same spot on each finger.

This morning as I was lacing my son's skates for his recurring Saturday AM hockey practice I noticed that when I am tightening skates the laces rub against these parts of my fingers. I guess that explains why MacMom has the same rough spots. And I thought we were just bonding in our old age.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Happy 11th Birthday Lil' Lefty

We are so proud and grateful of the girl you have grown up so fast to become. We celebrate the way you put your heart, determination and strive for perfection in all you do. Thank you for the wonderful memories and smiles you bring to our family. We are so thankful that our lives were blessed by a terrific daughter like you! Happy 11th Birthday Lil' Lefty!!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

MacDaddy's Good Deed for the Day

MacDaddy came home for lunch today. After eating his chesse quesadilla, he said he was going outside. Five minutes later, I went to the front window to check on him...couldn't find him. I grab my coat, throw on my boots and head outside in search of MacDaddy. He is down the street shoveling the driveway of an elderly man who lives alone and then proceeds to shovel the driveway of our neighbor R across the street. He didn't ask them, didn't tell them...just did it! What a selfless act of doing something good for another with no recognition... not calling attention to the himself for doing it and not being done in return for a favor. He really is nice, kind and caring 9 year old boy!

Monday, December 7, 2009

First Snowflakes

Mac Mom says, "Who ordered up this white crap falling from the sky?"
MacDaddy & Lil' Lefty, on the other hand, are sooooo excited that it is snowing.
It brought huge smiles to both their faces.
Lil' Lefty enjoyed some snowflakes on her nose, tongue and eyelashes.

Spitfires Christmas Party

MacDaddy and his team celebrated Christmas with a Pizza Party after Power Skating
practice Friday night. All the boys received Spitfire logo long sleeve t-shirts
from Coach R and Coach J above. A.C.'s mom made # hockey jersey sugar cookies.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Greetings for a Merry Christmas!

Highlights Tree…
cruise, Alligator
Alley ,MacGrandle
Pond, A-mac basketball,
MacDaddy hockey, Lil' Lefty

free throw contest,
fundraising for baseball and
softball, softball practices for A-Mac
and Lil' Lefty, MacDaddy indoor
baseball training, Lil' Leftypitching,
March Break Ft.Lauderdale,
MLB Spring Training, Buffalo Bison Game,
A-mac 7th grade camp trip, A-mac softball
tournament in Ohio, Play Ball!, Lil' Lefty homerun over
the fence, rain, A-macTexas A&M softball camp, more rain,
Cooperstown, Montreal, Boston, Fenway Park, move to a
new house -still in Canada, pool, Papa visits, A-mac
13th Birthday, MacDaddy provincials-A’s earn silver,
new school, MacDaddy’s 9th Birthday, Hockey, new glasses for A-mac,
Halloween, Minga visits, Fall apple picking, A-mac confirmation prep,
MacDaddy “A” Spitfire rep hockey, hockey practices, hockey games,
hockey tournaments, Softball indoor training for both girls, more hockey,
more softball, softball fundraising for 2010 season, around the lake and over the
US border to Nana’s house we go for Thanksgiving, Black Friday here we come,
Coming Soon… kids ringing the Salvation Army bell at the mall,
Happy 11th Birthday Lil' Lefty!, Christmas parties, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2010!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

May Joy, Love & Laughter fill your heart and home always.

The MacGrandle Family


Around the lake and over the border to Nana & Papa's house we went to celebrate Thanksgiving. We enjoyed yummy turkey with all the fixings. Black Friday was actually a White Friday! Frist Snow! We woke up to a scene Irving Berlin must of been thinking of when he wrote White Christmas.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

A-Mac on the Ice

We took a break yesterday with only A-Mac having a hockey game. Both she, and her team, played well ending in a 1-1 tie. A-Mac had the most shots on goal and has really learned where to go. It reminds me of when I used to "snow bird" playing basketball. (Just kidding) It was a fun game to watch.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Excerpts from MacDaddy's Unique Me Book

You Made me Love You
"The most important person in my family is my mom and dad because they feed me and take me to my hockey games. They also buy me lots of things like video games, hockey sticks, baseball gloves, balls and bats."

Need Somebody? Yes I DO
"Someone I look up to is my mom and dad because if I need help with my school work I can ask my mom because she was a teacher when she was younger. If she doesn't know how to explain it to me, we wait for my dad to get home because when he was younger, he loved math."

Feelings, Nothing More than Feelings
"Happiness is my family.
Love is mom and dad.
Fear is sharks.
Lonliness is when I have no one to play with.
Embarassment is when my parents talk about me.
Envy is my dad's hair. (No kidding, he really wrote that! LOL)
Hurt is mean words.
Joy is Christmas."

Sunday, November 22, 2009

I am the Envy of Every Canadian Dad

I spent 5+ hours building the frame for Mac Pond.
Very sore.
Let the cold weather come!

A Busy 24

We had a busy twenty four hours. Friday nigh MacDaddy had hockey practice at 7pm. We also attended Lil Lefty's Texas Hold'Em fundraiser from 6pm-1am. I finished third out of 100 poker players. The team raised over $6,000. Saturday morning I was up at 6:30am to get MacDaddy to his power skating. He is in green below skating backwards.

Lil Lefty had a hockey game at 1:45 and A-Mac had softball at 1pm. MacDaddy pitched to me while I caught him and then I pitched him a bucket of balls. We got home and I took A-Mac to a movie with her friends. I then to A-Mac to her 8pm hockey game where she scored the only goal in a 1-0 win. Lil Lefty then had practice (A-Mac stayed and skated) at 9pm on the same rink. I came home and went o bed.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Lil Lefty Winter Pitching Practice

Lil Lefty (and I) had pitching-catching practice last night. I put together the first 8 week practice plan and run the practices with the objective to become better pitchers (not just throwers). We are working on communication between the pitchers and catchers, framing, pitcher's counts and signals. I have enjoyed being a part of the process and think they will have learned something by the end.

In past winter gym sessions I had noticed that the girls pitched from a flat floor. I put together these mats (one for each girls) that have a wooden pitching rubber attached with shoes laces. The girls are able to "push off" and use their proper footwork as if pitching in a game. I saw something similar on EBAY for $299.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

MacDaddy - Orillia, Ontario Tournament Saturday

MacDaddy and I finished our Saturday in Orillia, Ontario. I have no pictures of the game at Brian Orser Arena. MacDaddy and I got there over an hour before his game. He put on his equipment and went to warm-up. When he returned he said "Dad where is my sweater?". I proceeded with saying a four letter word, let's call it "c - r - a - p", you get the point. I set the land speed record driving back to the hotel to get his sweater which was packed in his garment back and on the bed in the room. I am happy to report that the quick thinking of one of the coaches allowed MacDaddy not to miss a shift. He borrowed an old sweater for one shift, I returned with his and we were good to go. I felt bad. The camera was locked in the locker room so I couldn't take any pictures.

Our next game was at the Orillia Community Centre. The pictures above show what we believed was interior reinforcement in this barn-like structure. The locker rooms were bigger but still no doors on the toilet.

The team picked up a medal but didn't qualify for the elimination round. They were 0-3. The picture in the dark parking lot was the last game on Saturday. Some of the hosts said there was snow on the ground the time last year.
MacDaddy and I left our Days Inn at 10:00am Sunday morning and picked up Chilis for the family on the way home.