Monday, November 23, 2009

Excerpts from MacDaddy's Unique Me Book

You Made me Love You
"The most important person in my family is my mom and dad because they feed me and take me to my hockey games. They also buy me lots of things like video games, hockey sticks, baseball gloves, balls and bats."

Need Somebody? Yes I DO
"Someone I look up to is my mom and dad because if I need help with my school work I can ask my mom because she was a teacher when she was younger. If she doesn't know how to explain it to me, we wait for my dad to get home because when he was younger, he loved math."

Feelings, Nothing More than Feelings
"Happiness is my family.
Love is mom and dad.
Fear is sharks.
Lonliness is when I have no one to play with.
Embarassment is when my parents talk about me.
Envy is my dad's hair. (No kidding, he really wrote that! LOL)
Hurt is mean words.
Joy is Christmas."

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