Sunday, November 15, 2009

MacDaddy - Orillia, Ontario Tournament Saturday

MacDaddy and I finished our Saturday in Orillia, Ontario. I have no pictures of the game at Brian Orser Arena. MacDaddy and I got there over an hour before his game. He put on his equipment and went to warm-up. When he returned he said "Dad where is my sweater?". I proceeded with saying a four letter word, let's call it "c - r - a - p", you get the point. I set the land speed record driving back to the hotel to get his sweater which was packed in his garment back and on the bed in the room. I am happy to report that the quick thinking of one of the coaches allowed MacDaddy not to miss a shift. He borrowed an old sweater for one shift, I returned with his and we were good to go. I felt bad. The camera was locked in the locker room so I couldn't take any pictures.

Our next game was at the Orillia Community Centre. The pictures above show what we believed was interior reinforcement in this barn-like structure. The locker rooms were bigger but still no doors on the toilet.

The team picked up a medal but didn't qualify for the elimination round. They were 0-3. The picture in the dark parking lot was the last game on Saturday. Some of the hosts said there was snow on the ground the time last year.
MacDaddy and I left our Days Inn at 10:00am Sunday morning and picked up Chilis for the family on the way home.

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