Wednesday, November 4, 2009

A Favorite Movie - Field of Dreams

AMC played Field of Dreams last weekend. I can remember back in 1989 going to see Field of Dreams with my Dad the day after he had gone to see the movie. Little did I know then, that when I grew up I would enjoy seeing the same good movies over-and-over-and-over again. Ask MacMom. I am pretty sure Field of Dreams didn't have an immediate impact on me, and wish I could pin point the exact instance when it made sense to me. Not recognizing important events in your life when you are doing them is a theme in the movie.

I have read the book "Shoeless Joe" and seen several specials on the making of the movie. I watched an anniversary special where Kevin Costner discusses the movie with Johnny Bench, George Brett and Bret Saberhagen.

It is funny, to me, that we lived a 100 miles from the location in Iowa, and I never made time to go see the Field of Dreams. Maybe the importance of the movie, and the lessons have grown on me as I have gotten older.

These are Top Things I enjoy about the movie.

  1. I like the idea that there is Magic in the world
  2. I like the idea that there is a God and a Heaven (baseball players play baseball in Heaven... what else would they do?)
  3. Sometimes you believe you are doing something for one reason, and it turns out you are really doing it for something completely different ("Build it and HE will come")
  4. The game of baseball is a great backdrop for stories because little has changed and a lot has been recorded of the last 100+ years
  5. Sometimes you do very important things, and don't realize you are doing them
  6. Sometimes you have to support someone without questioning why
  7. It is nice to "have a catch" with your Dad
  8. Only those who believe actually see the ghost players
  9. Baseball is important, not necessarily the teams or the players... it's all about having a catch with a friend
  10. Great music enhances the movie
  11. Kevin Costner is the king of baseball movies

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