Monday, August 24, 2009

Lil Lefty - 2009 Softball Stats

I am posting these stats so 10 years from now Lil Lefty can look back at her stats from when she was 10 years old. They aren't really comparable to other kids on other teams or in other league. I have tried, unsuccessfully, to keep stats during the season. I have failed because being pulled in multiple directions and enjoying all three kids playing ball. A Dad on Lil Lefty's team kept stats throughout the entire season. I suspect he missed a couple games, maybe, but he seemed pretty consistent in his recording.

Things I notice in the stats

  • Lil Lefty had the most "At Bats" on the team with 100. They were in 7 tournaments and probably averaged 4 games a tournament with 15 league games... so about 2.5 at bats a game sounds right.
  • Lil Lefty had the most hits with 51 batting .510. She had an amazing 34% more hits than anyone else on the team.
  • Lil Lefty had one Home Run - the one over the fence. She says she had 2 others, but I can't remember them.
  • She only walked 8 times. The lowest amount on the team. Lil Lefty likes to swing the stick.
  • She only struck out 11 times and never struck out watching. She likes to swing the stick and doesn't miss too much.
  • She tied for the team lead in runs with 29
  • She led the team in RBI with 30
  • She was 3rd in stolen bases with 26

Lil Lefty plays competitive fastpitch softball. She had a great season. I was looking through some boxes from our recent move and spent an hour going through old high school newspaper articles. It was fun for the moment to look back. Technology has changed and it is nice to be able to memorialize Lil Lefty's season. I am disappointed that I didn't have anything for A-Mac and MacDaddy... I will work on those for next year.

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