Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Eat it!

MacDaddy, who has learned he is goofy footed because he skates with his right front in front on his skateboard, signed up for a 1 week, half day skateboarding camp. MacDaddy wanted to learn to do "tricks" like the 180, an ollie and skate ramps and rails. If you have ever watched a skater make his board jump off level ground, you are witnessing an "ollie." I can't figure this one out. How can a piece of wood jump into the air and somehow stick to a kid's feet? These tricks are hard to learn and crashes are common. If you have a bad crash you "eat it." If you eat it, the best thing to do is get up right away, walk it off and try it again.

Neeless, to say MacDaddy had a couple of "eat it's" today. He twisted his ankle, bruised his wrist and scraped an elbow and a knee. He did get up each time and got right back up on the "horse".

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