Saturday, September 5, 2009

Leadoff!!! - MacDaddy Provincials

MacDaddy is at his Provincials this weekend in Kitchener, Ontario. Kitchener is about an hours drive from Mississauga. The whole family attended both his Friday night game and then spent the entire day, today, Saturday, at three of his games.

MacDaddy batted 4th in the A's Friday night game. Starting in their first Saturday morning game and continuing through the entire day, Saturday, Andrew was the leadoff batter.

MacDaddy played at really nice fields with a real dugouts and metal stands. MacDaddy is "in the hole". I guess that is where the name originated.

The A's won their first two games on Saturday starting out 3-0, and advancing to the final game between undefeated teams. They played the Mississauga North Tigers, a team they had not defeated all year.

MacDaddy played the whole day in left center field. He caught several balls and threw a runner out at second base. The announcer used nicknames and called him "McDaddy" when he came to the plate.

Of course, our camera ran out of battery life during the last game on Saturday. MacDaddy came to the plate in the bottom of the 7th inning with runners on first and second and one out. The score was tied at 5-5.

MacDaddy delivered a line drive over the first baseman to score the winning run. He had to rub his eyes when he got to first and realized they had won. He must have gotten some dirt in his eyes.

Four teams remain in this double elimination tournament with our A's as the only undefeated team going into Sunday.

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