Tuesday, September 8, 2009

First Day of School

MacDaddy suggested we copy our neighbors and hold up as many fingers as the grade you will be going into on the first day of school. That will work for a while as A-mac has a couple more years before the grade she is in outnumbers her fingers.

A new school year begins at a new school for the kids. They will be attending St. Mark school in Mississauga, ON. We walked them to school this morning. The entire student body was in the back school yard. They had to find the teacher holding a card of the grade they were going into. I guess not too difficult if you went to school there last year and knew some of the teaching staff. They lined up by teachers holding a grade card and filed into the school building when the 8:30 bell rang. I am told that once they enter the building their name will be called and they will find out who their teacher is. I don't get it! Chaos! Unorganized! A girl intoduced herself to Lil' Lefty and I overhead that the shared the same first name. MacDaddy was also introduced to some boys in his line by the little boy holding the soccer ball.

A-mac also met the two 8th grade teachers. They were the teachers sign we ran into first in the school yard and they instructed us on the first day procedure. The teachers asked if she was from Texas? New face, new girl deduction. One teacher asked her if she ate Texas toast everyday? and the other told her that his son was named Nolan Ryan. Guess what teacher A-mac wants based on these two comments? Above, the two 8th grade teachers gathered all the 8th graders together for a day 1 picture before entering the building.

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