Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Maybe She Knew Something

About 3 months ago Lil Lefty asked me if she could play hockey this year. She had played two years ago and had an "ok" season. A-Mac and Lil Lefty both played the same year, once and only once. A-Mac had scored two goals that year and Lil Lefty hadn't scored a goal. Lil Lefty had her first game last night. She played center, took the face-offs and controlled the ice. I helped on the bench, opening and closing the doors and getting the kids out and in at the shift changes. Let me rephrase that, I learned the first two periods and then helped in the third after the more highly skilled coach had to leave. Unfortunately, I was unable to take pictures of the game... I experienced the game from ice level.

In her first shift, Lil Lefty scored a goal, her team's first. I thought I saw #9 roughing it up in front of the net and pushing in the trash... but that couldn't be my sweet daughter. In her next shift she did not score a goal and the assistant coach, and her softball coach, asked her jokingly, "why she didn't score again"... the next time on the ice Lil Lefty snapped a shot toward the goal that was deflected into the goal and Lil Lefty earned an assist. She followed up with a break away goal, outskating her opponents, for her second goal of the night.

She was good... first game, two goals and an assist. In the car ride home she told me she had been playing a lot of ball hockey in front of our old house... her skating skills still need to improve, but she showed a lot of desire to score... maybe she knew something when she asked to play 3 months ago...

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