Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Mexican Food

Among the things we miss about not living in Texas anymore is enjoying some good BBQ and Mexican food. We headed to Port Credit after our family walk along the Credit River to see some street performers participating in the Busker Festival. First stop was Baskin Robbins for an ice cream cones for the kids and Big D. At Memorial Park, Lil' Lefty saw a family sitting eating huge burritos and quesadillas. She said that it looked really good. I told her to go asked the gentleman where he got the mexican food. She was too shy. She did walk over with me, but I did the asking. He pointed us in the direction Burrito Boyz via a short cut between two house apartments. He warned us that although the food was good, it would take a while to get our food. Burrito Boyz is not a restaurant. It is basically a counter where you place your order and small kitchen beyond the counter. While waiting for our order, MacDaddy had to investigate whether or not the cactus were real?

Oh yeah, MacDaddy says the cactus were fake. No blood drawn from his index finger after touching the needle.

Needless to say, Lil' Lefty was in heaven as she enjoyed her bean and cheese burrito. Yum....rice and beans and cheese!!!

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