Saturday, October 3, 2009

A Favorite Movie - Rudy

In Canada, AMC is playing the movie Rudy this weekend. I have probably seen the movie a few, and I emphasize the few, dozen times. I will still sit through the entire movie as it is one of my favorites.

What I like/love about the movie:

  1. I LOVE the music. Listen to the music when Rudy opens the admission letter on the bench, when the football team is practicing and when he is carried off the field. The movie would not be the same without the music.

  2. "Who's the wild man now"... D-Bob (John Favreau)

  3. Dan Devine telling the coach to send Rudy in by moving his hands... I find myself copying the movement.

  4. Sean Astin before "Lord of the Rings" and 24... a GREAT Rudy

  5. The scene when he opens the letter with his acceptance to Notre Dame. I hope my kids will get the chance to have that feeling.

  6. The accomplishment of your dreams

  7. Fortune ( Charles Dutton) to Rudy "Oh you are so full of crap. Your five foot nothin', a hundred and nothin' and you hung in with the best college football team in the land for two years, and you were also going to walk out of here with a degree from the University of Norte Dame in this life time you don't have to prove nothing to nobody except yourself and after what you gone through if you haven't done that by now, it aint gonna never happen, now go on back. ."

  8. Steele: I want Rudy to dress in my place Coach. He deserves it. Dan Devine: [laughs] Don't be ridiculous, Georgia Tech is one of the top offense teams in the country. [Steele continues to stand and stare at the Devine] Dan Devine: You are an All-American and our Captain, act like it! Steele: I believe I am. [lays his jersey down on Devine's desk and walks out]
I hate to admit it, but the movie makes me cry...

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