Sunday, October 4, 2009

Sunday, Brantford, Rainy and Cold (See Saturday Post)

A-Mac and I woke up at 5:45am on Sunday morning to get to Brantford by 8:oo am. It was 50 degrees at 8:00 am when we pulled up to the park. Note the artistic picture with the field, the clock and the temperature on the mirror. And they say I'm a numbers guy.

A-Mac played another 3 games at first base without any rotation. It seems she has found a home. It rained on and off during the day. The picture below just gets the top of the umbrella I am sitting under. A-Mac is in the on deck circle waiting for her at-bat.

I did notice during a meeting on the mound that A-Mac is the tallest person on the team. I really believe she has grown a couple inches since July... or everyone on the team has shrunk, in unison, a couple inches. Probably not likely.

The first video is A-Mac driving a ball to right center in the first game of the morning. She hit well the entire tournament. I like her using the bigger bat. She needs a bit of strength training during the winter, but her timing has been spot on. The second video is A-Mac driving a hard ground ball through the hole between short and third to score a runs. Good clutch hitting and she later scored in a 4-3 loss.

A-Mac chose #33 as a symbol of her goal from last year. She wanted to play 3rd and bat 3rd... hence #33. Well, in baseball scoring First Base is actually the number 3. This tournament she played position 3 and hit 3rd... number 33. Congrats A-Mac. Keep setting goals.

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