Saturday, April 11, 2009

Buffalo Bison Baseball

Alliteration is the repetition of a consonant sound in several words in a phrase. Aside for the opportunity to use alliteration, we attended a Buffalo Bison baseball game yesterday.

Many people would ask why we would go to a AAA baseball game in 50 degree weather. Many of the people who would ask that question did not attend the game as you can see from the picture.

Living in Canada for the past three years, I have grown fonder of the USA National Anthem. After the singing there was a fly over. The church steeple was never in harms way.

After three innings in the cold we moved back against the wall. It was still cold.

I caught a T Shirt thrown from the Bison mascot (or was it a Buffalo). Lil Lefty wore it for the fashion statement and more importantly because of the cold.

The warmest part of the stadium was in the bathroom.
Every time we go to Cleveland we pass the stadium. It was nice to finally go to a game at the stadium. Next time we hope it will be warmer.

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