Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Off To CAMP...

A-mac after putting her suitcase on the bus

A-mac and the rest of St. Joan of Arc 7th grade students boarded 2 school buses this morning and are off to Tim Horton Onondaga Farms Camp for two days. Camp Onondaga is located in St. George, Ontario (near Brantford) and is a year-round outdoor residential education center. Its five program streams--environmental education, creative arts, agriculture, adventure, and recreation and all have direct links to Ontario's curriculum expectations.

As I said goodbye to A-mac, I told her to have fun and behave. She replied, " Don't worry mom. There will be no shenanigans! Mrs. L (the principal) is coming along as a chaperone". Mrs. A (Lil' Lefty's teacher) is also a chaperone.

A-mac's 7th grade class with Ms. S and Mrs. A before getting on the bus

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