Tuesday, April 14, 2009

“Too often we are so preoccupied with the destination, we forget the journey.”

Last year (actually for the last year+) I kept personal notes in my email program about each of my kids and their softball/baseball progress. I am a natural note-taker, it was fun to write and has been fun to look back at. My notes are in my own "script". They are short, to the point and try to be factual. I document things I see and hear, and my thoughts.

I have decided to post some of the note-taking in this forum and, also continue with my personal notes. In the 90's, I read a newspaper article about Albert (friends call him "Joey") Belle of the Cleveland Indians. The article talked about the meticulous note cards that Albert kept on each at-bat against each pitcher. One note card for each at-bat. He documented each pitch that was thrown to him and ,his reaction, his actions.

I do the "note-taking-thing" for a different reason. I enjoy the journey. I enjoy being a part of the journey. I looked back on a note in the A-mac file from June 12, 2008. Part of my note says, "Needs to work out keeping front knee strong... ". At that time A-mac was bending her front knee and loosing some of her power. It has since been fixed because we worked on it. A softball swing has 1,000's of moving parts and is always requiring improvement.

I enjoy watching my kids learn that they can learn, and the value of setting goals. The notes may be about softball/baseball but the lessons are about life.

Last night was the first exhibition game for A-mac. She batted last. She got up to bat twice and walked twice. It is the beginning of our journey for this season.

"When you have completed 95 percent of your journey, you are only halfway there."

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