Tuesday, April 28, 2009

A-Mac Swing -- Boardman, April 2009

Last year A-mac hit line drives to left field. This year she has been hitting weak ground balls to second base. Last year she used a 33"24 ounce bat and this year she is struggling with a 31"21ounce. Two things have happened that we can work on. First, she needs to work on accelerating her hand speed. Second, and most important, she has gotten her timing screwed-up. Last year all we did was talk about getting the butt of the bat to the ball. Loading and stepping just happened naturally as confidence built. This year she is working on loading and stepping. In the video she steps too early and then again when she swings. She steps twice and sometimes the second is backwards. Of the 20+ videos I took this last weekend every one had this "studder-step". Easy to fix...

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