Saturday, May 9, 2009

Brampton Tourney - Sat (Rain, Hail, Sun and Wind)

Having played against the Blazers the past two years numerous times in Brampton, we have a saying. "It always rains in Brampton". Even now that A-Mac plays on the Brampton team the saying still seems to ring true to word.

After getting everyone to bed last night after 11pm, we rose early this morning and were out the door at 6:45am. I dropped A-Mac off at her field and took Lil Lefty to her field. MacDaddy got to sleep late as his game wasn't until 11:00am. Minutes before Lil Lefty's game was to start the rains came. Then the hail came, and lots of hail. The picture to the left shows us huddled under a tarp as it hailed. There were 30 seconds when I was concerned... actually thought it might be a tornado.

It rained so much and so hard in a short period of time that an underpass by our field flooded and a player's Mom got her van stuck. We watched the firetrucks and tow trucks pull the cars out. The fields were flooded and the tournament was canceled. Then a call came that games were on and would be rescheduled later in the morning at a different field. I received this information while I was at A-Mac's field.

All our plans changed.

Below, Lil Lefty came in relief during the first game on Saturday. She did great and drove in the tying run with a triple over the right fielder's head... the best hit I have seen Lil Lefty have... and on a 3-2 count. Lil Lefty pitched the second game Satuday and her Mississauga Tigers won.

We have a full slate of games tomorrow. And I heard it is supposed to be cold.

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