Thursday, May 14, 2009

Welcome Spring!

Yesterday, I hiked the 16 Mile Creek here in Oakville with 2 fellow American gals. It is about an 1 hour and 10 minute walk through the woods surrounding the creek. Spring is here. It was a beautiful, sunny 70 degee day. Birds were chirpping, green leaves are on trees and Spring wildflowers are in bloom.
Among the various wildflowers in bloom are the trillium. The trillium has been Ontario's official flower since 1937. It's a spring wildflower that blooms in late April and early May. It has 3 distinct leaves and petals. The trillium is also the logo of the Ontario government. Its white blossom is associated with peace and hope. Trilliums are sometimes called “Wake Robins” because they appear at the same time robins return for spring.

We also saw fields of bluebells, other wildflowers and some Canadian Geese near the creek bed that were probably nesting.

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