Sunday, May 10, 2009

What Do You Get? Brampton Tourney...

What do you get when you start with Mother's Day weekend knowing you will spend the entire weekend watching 1 baseball game (MacDaddy) and about 10 softball games between A-mac and Lil' Lefty? Add to the mix no sleep, drive 400+ miles in two large SUVs (gas is up to 95 cents a liter), throw in meals at fast-food restaurants, breakfast (eaten in the car while en route) from Tim Horton's drive thru, hail, sun, wind, rain and add in the latest Star Trek movie?

You get Lil Lefty's team winning the bronze as a Squirt II team in a Squirt I tournament and A-Mac's team (Novice I) winning all four of their games in a Bantam II tournament.


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