Monday, June 8, 2009

"Hitting is timing and pitching is upsetting timing"

Hall of Fame pitcher Warren Spahn said the title quote. Right now whomever is pitching to A-Mac is automatically doing a good job because her timing is all "upset". Her Blazer's won a bronze medal in a weekend tournament against older age girls. Never the less, none of her team mates played very well, and A-Mac had a rough time at the plate. Her entire team has been taught the "load and step" approach to hitting and A-Mac is just not "feeling" the timing. She looks great in the on-deck-circle but when she gets to the plate she steps uncomfortably out-of-sync, loosing her balance and rhythm. She often steps twice.

We will work on step, hips, hands... and the balance/timing.

It is unfortunate for the immediate results and I know how hard it is to have fun when you are not hitting well, but, A-Mac will get this sorted out and learn a few valuable life lessons in the process.

1) You can do anything if you work hard at it (great life lesson that sport provides the backdrop for...)

2) Trust yourself - you have to BELIEVE

3) Have fun (easiest to hit while smiling... relaxes the muscles)

4) Have to perform the way you practice

5) The most important weapon/asset you will always have is your ability to think.

6) Persistence - anything worth doing takes effort

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