Sunday, June 14, 2009

A-Mac -- A Confidence Boost

I told MacDaddy a few weeks ago to start saying "I am a GOOD ballplayer". Just reading the words doesn't describe the emphasis I place on the word "good". After he started doing this he had a few GREAT hitting games.

I told A-Mac to do the same thing. She, being older, was reluctant to fully embrace the concept. She did NOT emphasis "good" the way I wanted in her first few attempts. But, we got her there. I told them to say it to themselves in the on-deck circle and batter's box before they bat.

A-Mac hit her first triple of the year. She went 3 - 4 with 5 RBI in two games and was rewarded by batting 11th instead of 12th. Oh well...

A-Mac told me she said "I am a GOOD ballplayer" to herself before she batted. She is...

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