Sunday, July 19, 2009

Aunt Rosie's Tournamanet Lesson, A-Mac

A few days/hours after getting into our new house A-Mac and I were off to Amherst (outside Buffalo) for the Aunt Rosie's Fastpitch Tournament. Friday was a complete washout with rain and Saturday was cold (60's) and overcast.

In the second game on Saturday A-Mac got hit in the left arm while batting. This was her first time to get hit in approximately 60 games this year and I am sure it hurt. She immediately broke down crying at home plate holding her arm. Coaches ran out, players and parents stood watching... I saw the pitch and where it hit her, at had a strong feeling she would be OK... with no choice, the coach had a player run for A-Mac and her game was over...

After 5 minutes and some ice I walked over to the dugout. Not a mark on her arm... thankfully she was OK... but, she was also out of the game...

In the car between games we talked about what to do when you get hit by a pitch. I gave her two options, and only two, 1) Pass Out at Home or 2) Run to First Base. When you get to first you can call time and access the damage, but do that from first base.

Probably, but unfortunately, during life you will loose and job, get dumped by a boyfriend or fail a test, and it is important to not let that keep you down. You have to "run to first base" because you will get up again.

Well, the next game A-Mac got hit in the same arm again, and she dropped the bat and ran to first base. She called time after getting to first, flexed her arm and determined she could stay in the game. It may seem simple, but to me she learned a valuable lesson. By the way, several (3 other) girls got hurt during Saturday and were taken out of the game. Only my kids get the value of my lessons and counseling :-)

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