Monday, July 27, 2009

Provincials A-Mac, How do you define CHARACTER?

A-Mac had her Brampton Blazer Novice I Provincial grand championship this weekend in Stratford (about 1 1/2 hour drive from our house). The tournament had a disappointing beginning that turned to a great personal outcome. Even I learned something.

In this tournament only 9 player get to bat each game. A-Mac started Friday night at third base but was not allowed to bat. During her three games on Saturday she did not bat either. Her team was o-4 after four games and A-Mac did not get to bat.

I was with Lil Lefty, and MacDaddy, at her Provincial Qualifier in Niagra Falls (another forthcoming post). When I spoke to A-Mac she was disappointed and not getting a chance to bat... not one at bat... she even questioned whether she should go on Sunday.

A-Mac and I talked about this and came to the obvious decision that she needed to go on Sunday, support her team, and friends, and finish what she had started.

I have watched many games and seen many players. The talent difference on A-Mac's team from the "best" player to the "worst" player is not significant. I could understand the thought that 4 or 5 girls are "better" than A-Mac, but even the stats would not support anything further than that. (I saw score sheets while keeping score one game and thumbed through about 25 games) So, I suspect that the Coach went to his comfort zone and played players who have been on his team for years... this strategy got him an 0-4 start in the first 4 games. He was also ejected in a game, his daughter was ejected for swearing and the assistant coaches who took over lack any baseball/softball knowledge based on the on field coaching decisions I have seen. Nice that they are helping, but you have understand the game when things accelerate to make correct decisions.

A-Mac got her chance to play, and bat, on Sunday. She went 3 for 3 against Mississauga North and 3 for 4 against Guelph. Both teams qualified for nationals. The video above has A-Mac doubling against Mississauga North.

During our drive to the park early Sunday morning I thought of many things to say to the coaches. After discussions with A-Mac we decided I shouldn't say a thing. I didn't say a thing and enjoyed A-Mac going 6 for 7 in the two games she played.

A-Mac showed me character in a tough situation. She showed me courage, loyalty and good habits. I am very proud of her. Too bad she didn't get more chances to play. Her Blazers may have won a few games and made it to the nationals.

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