Thursday, July 9, 2009

Top Trip Memories

We spent a week in 3 different hotels driving through the northeast seeing the sights. We traveled 1,226+ miles...

The difference between a trip and a vacation, as I am often reminded by MacMom, is that you need a vacation after a trip. We, unfortunately, have jumped right back into ball tournaments and the added luxury of a home move... more on this to come....

Memorable Stuff from Our Trip

  • Beginning our trip Sunday at 5pm after a weekend tournaments for all three kids
  • Cooperstown - can you say "classic small town USA"
  • Fire alarm at 5am in Boston and the walk back up the stairs
  • Overcast most of the trip
  • Way to step on a French Guy
  • Montreal traffic
  • Club music between innings at the softball games
  • Beer sales by the team at the softball games
  • Traffic on the way home from Montreal
  • Finding the softball parks with French names and our English speaking GPS
  • A-Mac on the All Star Team
  • Cobblestone streets in Old Montreal
  • Knock Fenway Park off the list of ballparks
  • One red seat
  • The Green Monster
  • Lil Lefty asking in French if she could use the bathroom
  • MacMom beating me into New Hampshire (funny moment)

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