Sunday, July 5, 2009


The Montreal Challenge theme was circus. On Thursday night before the All Star game, there were various circus skills stations set up. Among the stations was the uncicyle. Of course, Big D had to show both MacDaddy and Lil' Lefty that he still had it--the ability to ride one of his favorite toys of his childhood --the uncycle. Mac Daddy and Lil' Lefty gave it a spin. Mac Daddy ran back to the diabolo and sticks that he favored. Lil' Lefty spent a good 20 minutes or so with Big D learning to get on and balance on the unicycle. Dotted with fresh new bruises on both her shins, Lil' Lefty was able to ride the unicycle while holding onto the fence. She was quite determined to master the unicycle and now wants Big D to buy her a unicycle.

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