Sunday, November 30, 2008

Thanksgiving Trip to Cleveland

Early Thursday morning, we all (including Coco) jumped in the car and headed off to Cleveland for our family Thanksgiving. It took us a little longer than 5 hours to drive to MacMom's parents' house in a suburb of Cleveland. During our trek, there was a time when all three kids were watching a movie while MacMom watched her own movie on a separate DVD player. I was able to listen to the "Hair Band" station on XM Radio. Things have changed since the "Red Car - Yellow Car" games when I was a kid. MacMom over my shoulder said they played "Bug". (I add this in for historical accuracy)

We got to Nana and Papa's house mid-morning and the kids worked up their appetite with a snowball fight in the backyard.

We watched the Cowboys win and the Aggies loose.

On Friday night we went to an outdoor mall in Westlake, Ohio with the kids. MacMom and I lived in Westlake right before we got married. It has changed.

Several years ago during a hard time we went around the family and said aloud what we were thankful for. MacDaddy said he was thankful for "underwear". What a great thought. Because really, where would we be without underwear. Every Thanksgiving we remember that thought and every day I am thankful for my family. I am truly blessed.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

A-mac End of Season Tradition

We started a new tradition. We now have a ceremonial throwing away of the cleats (aka CTAOTC). A-mac played in a rainy weekend tournament in August. She spent most of the weekend standing in ankle deep water in left field. Her cleats were never the same. MacMom even washed them in bleach. Mind you she has a second pair of cleats, but elected to always wear these pair. A-mac left them in my car one weekend and I thought something had died when I got in the car to go to work Monday AM. My nose and sense of smell doesn't work well so they REALLY smelled bad!

We went to the beach tonight and threw away A-mac's cleats. They will not be making the airplane ride back to Toronto with us tomorrow.

Myrtle Beach is a nice beach.

Final Myrtle Beach Update

A-mac's fastpitch team, the Brampton Blazers, won their first game Saturday morning. They lost the afternoon game and won Saturday night to stay alive and get to Sunday. We had a 5:30am wake-up on Sunday to be at the field for 7am . Unfortunately, The Blazers lost the game. The team went 4 wins and 2 losses over the weekend. A-mac played most of the tournament at third base and hit OK.
A-mac is in the middle of the picture with the long white sleeves in the back row.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Friday Night in Myrtle Beach

The Brampton Blazers, A-mac's team, played two "get-the-bugs-out" games Friday night. Both games were exactly one hour long and seemed to be geared toward a formailized "practice". There were three diamonds together and it was cold. A few teams had propane heaters. One team had a portable generator and a hot chocolate machine in their dugout. We won both games and based on the teams I saw, the Blazers will be competitive in this tournament.

A-mac was 0-3. She got on base once and grounded out to the pitcher twice. Her balance seemed off. She was lunging toward the ball. Oh well... the GREAT news is that it was the first games she had ever worn contacts. She played third base every inning.

After the game, the entire team, including parents, met at the coaches room and ordered pizzas.

Curfew at 11:00pm. First game at 10:20am. Be at field at 9:00am. A-mac is sleeping, as I blog at 4:40am.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Morning Workout

A-mac finished the Blazer morning workout. A-mac is in the middle of the picture playing third base. After practice we ate lunch at Firehouse Subs (new post coming on that) and then went shopping. Temperature is in the high 40's and the windchill is supposed to drop to 17 this evening.
A-mac has to be back at the park at 4:30pm for her 6:00pm game. She then has a 7:10pm game and we are done for the night. Double knock-out (loose two and gone) starts tomorrow morning.

The Best Weather is Behind Us

A-mac's team practiced for an hour last night well into the dark. A-mac is playing third base. After practice, we ate at Olive Garden ,came home and went to bed. We woke up this morning to 41 degree temperatures and the weather report is projecting 34 degrees at the 8pm game time. Brrrrr!!!!!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Made It To Myrtle Beach

We left Oakville, Ontario this morning at 3AM. That was after a 2:30AM wake-up. A-mac and I drove to Buffalo airport in the snow. We caught a plane to Philly and then to Raleigh, NC. From Raleigh, we drove 3 hours to Myrtle Beach for a softball tournament with A-mac's team the Brampton Blazers.

We ate lunch at Chick-fil-A and saw gas for $1.68/gallon.

Our condo has a beach view. The temperature is 60 degress today, but the high is only supposed to be in the upper 40's tomorrow. Not really good beach weather.

Time to run to practice with the team.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Big Balls

I would like to take this opportunity to thank Big D for introducing MacDaddy to AC DC. I am absolutely thrilled to see my 8 year old son grab the Apple TV remote, turn on You Tube, search AC DC and find his favorite song...BIG BALLS! Can you imagine? He jumps up on the ottoman in the family room and sings, no screams the chorus of the song while playing air guitar. So if you hear MacDaddy singing, "I've got big balls, he's got big balls, she's got big balls, but we've got the biggest balls of them all", I just want you all to know it's Big D's fault.

Snow Fun

Just as the school bell rang to signal the end of the day, big, white , fluffy snowflakes began to fall from the sky and blanket the ground like smooth white sand. Winter...It's here. The kids were so excited! Snowflakes everywhere! MacDaddy and Lil' Lefty bundled themselves up from head to toe...hats, gloves, snowpants, and boots. They joined the neighborhood children up front for snow shoveling, snowball fights, and fort building (until they realized there wasn't enough snow to build forts yet). I saw Lil' Lefty eating the snow, letting it melt on her tongue...YUM!! YUM!! It was fun to see MacDaddy and Lil' Lefty look to the sky and watch the snowflakes fall and land in their eyes. BLINK! BLINK! What a suprise! They were both screeching and yelling with delight as they enjoyed the first snowfall. Red nosed and pink cheeked after 2 hours of snow play, it was time to come in and end their afternoon of snow fun with some hot cocoa.

Twenty Two

It was twenty two degrees this morning when I left for work. The first winter strom in Toronto is on its way and expected to drop 10 cm of snow overnight. At least it is a "dry cold".

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Snow Flakes

The kids awoke to Snow Flakes rather than Corn Flakes at breakfast this AM. They were all very excited to see that it was snowing! MacDaddy was a little disappointed that it wasn't sticking to the ground.

Thank Goodness for the WPT Hole Card Camera

I remember hearing on ESPN that the TV ratings in the World Series of Poker skyrocketted when they started showing the hole cards. The hole cards are the cards that each player has that make their specific hand. Poker tournaments were always on TV but no one ever watched them because you couldn't understand what the players were doing. Now, everyone plays poker.

We spent last night at a successful Texas Hold'Em fundraiser for Lil Lefty's new softball (fastpitch) team. 110+ people met at the Streetsville Legion Hall for the tournament.

What a great fundraising idea!!!

The coaches and parents worked hard and the team got a "good slug" ($30/person entry and $20 rebuy/add-in ... plus a silent auction and raffles... you do the math) The coach worked really hard and every guest felt welcome. (I have to also add that MacMom worked REALLY HARD TOO...she did)

A couple years ago Lil Lefty (8 years old at the time) played for a coach, and his entourage, who tried really hard to take the "fun" out of fundraising. We spent hours on bottles drives and begging for money at the liquor stores. Yes, I wrote it correctly, girls in uniforms would stand outside of a liquir store in sub-zero temperatures asking their patrons to help support the team; ridiculous for an 8 year old!

MacMom's Dad drove up from Cleveland and watched MacDaddy and Lil' Lefty for the night because A-mac was employed elsewhere--babysitting for a neighbor.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Warning !!! Retro Post - Jan 1, 2008

I was searching through notes to write our annual Christmas card. MacMom reminded me I forgot the Buffalo Sabres vs. Pittsburgh Penguins outdoor NHL hockey game that we went to on January 1, 2008.

These pictures were not backed-up prior to our last computer crash and I thought they were gone forever. Fortunately, we saved them in a Smilebox and I was able to download the originals. Yippeee!!!

I bought four "obstructed view" tickets for $10 each and could have sold them on Stubhub for $200 each prior to the game. They were "priceless" to us. #87 is Sidney "Sid the Kid" Crosby. He scored the winning goal in a shoot-ouyt. The weather was cold and the snow was falling. A great time was had by all.
MacMom met us at a hotel in Niagara Falls.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

What a Difference a Year Makes

On Sunday afternoon A-mac and I went to the local batting cage to continue our work on her swing. We are trying to make sure the rotaional force generated by her lower body is explosively transferred through her hands to the ball at contact. Obviously, the batting cage isn't live pitching so it is just one tool. When the temperature dips below freezing, which will be soon, the balls seem to get harder and there is significant vibration at contact. A-mac is wearing two sets of batting gloves to try to minimize the vibration. (I have tried it... and it hurts)


Our big project during last winter (1 year ago) was to improve the first movement of A-mac hands and make the beginning of her swing much more compact. We had to eliminate the dip in her swing. The video above is from A-mac first Rep season. Her swing has improved immensely because of her hard work. If you look hard, you can see MacDaddy after the swings, sitting in the stands, at the right side of the video, in his black shirt baseball uniform from that year.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Tra La Laaaa! Hooray for Captain Underpants! Can Captain Underpants
and his drawers hold up under the pressure of fighting crime in Oakville?

Shopping anyone? I've got my Bank of Unlimited Shopping VIP Gold Card!

Hi! I'm PC! Shhh! Don't say the "V" word.
We're just Windows.

A-mac went out trick-or-treating with her other other half...Mac!

Friday Night Lights - Kind Of

One of the significant cultural differences I have observed between Canada and the USA is the role of high school sports. Most good athletes play on club teams. Most high schools, and universities/colleges, don't field competitive teams.
During Lil Lefty's softball season we spent a good bit of time meeting the coach's family.
Last Saturday night we went to a "Junior B" hockey game in Guelph, Ontarion. The coach's son plays on the team. He is 6'3" and would be a junior in high school. A-mac, MacDaddy and I went to the game. A fun time was had by all... a fight broke out the last 30 seconds of the game...