Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Snow Fun

Just as the school bell rang to signal the end of the day, big, white , fluffy snowflakes began to fall from the sky and blanket the ground like smooth white sand. Winter...It's here. The kids were so excited! Snowflakes everywhere! MacDaddy and Lil' Lefty bundled themselves up from head to toe...hats, gloves, snowpants, and boots. They joined the neighborhood children up front for snow shoveling, snowball fights, and fort building (until they realized there wasn't enough snow to build forts yet). I saw Lil' Lefty eating the snow, letting it melt on her tongue...YUM!! YUM!! It was fun to see MacDaddy and Lil' Lefty look to the sky and watch the snowflakes fall and land in their eyes. BLINK! BLINK! What a suprise! They were both screeching and yelling with delight as they enjoyed the first snowfall. Red nosed and pink cheeked after 2 hours of snow play, it was time to come in and end their afternoon of snow fun with some hot cocoa.

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