Sunday, November 30, 2008

Thanksgiving Trip to Cleveland

Early Thursday morning, we all (including Coco) jumped in the car and headed off to Cleveland for our family Thanksgiving. It took us a little longer than 5 hours to drive to MacMom's parents' house in a suburb of Cleveland. During our trek, there was a time when all three kids were watching a movie while MacMom watched her own movie on a separate DVD player. I was able to listen to the "Hair Band" station on XM Radio. Things have changed since the "Red Car - Yellow Car" games when I was a kid. MacMom over my shoulder said they played "Bug". (I add this in for historical accuracy)

We got to Nana and Papa's house mid-morning and the kids worked up their appetite with a snowball fight in the backyard.

We watched the Cowboys win and the Aggies loose.

On Friday night we went to an outdoor mall in Westlake, Ohio with the kids. MacMom and I lived in Westlake right before we got married. It has changed.

Several years ago during a hard time we went around the family and said aloud what we were thankful for. MacDaddy said he was thankful for "underwear". What a great thought. Because really, where would we be without underwear. Every Thanksgiving we remember that thought and every day I am thankful for my family. I am truly blessed.

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