Saturday, November 22, 2008

Friday Night in Myrtle Beach

The Brampton Blazers, A-mac's team, played two "get-the-bugs-out" games Friday night. Both games were exactly one hour long and seemed to be geared toward a formailized "practice". There were three diamonds together and it was cold. A few teams had propane heaters. One team had a portable generator and a hot chocolate machine in their dugout. We won both games and based on the teams I saw, the Blazers will be competitive in this tournament.

A-mac was 0-3. She got on base once and grounded out to the pitcher twice. Her balance seemed off. She was lunging toward the ball. Oh well... the GREAT news is that it was the first games she had ever worn contacts. She played third base every inning.

After the game, the entire team, including parents, met at the coaches room and ordered pizzas.

Curfew at 11:00pm. First game at 10:20am. Be at field at 9:00am. A-mac is sleeping, as I blog at 4:40am.

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