Sunday, November 16, 2008

Thank Goodness for the WPT Hole Card Camera

I remember hearing on ESPN that the TV ratings in the World Series of Poker skyrocketted when they started showing the hole cards. The hole cards are the cards that each player has that make their specific hand. Poker tournaments were always on TV but no one ever watched them because you couldn't understand what the players were doing. Now, everyone plays poker.

We spent last night at a successful Texas Hold'Em fundraiser for Lil Lefty's new softball (fastpitch) team. 110+ people met at the Streetsville Legion Hall for the tournament.

What a great fundraising idea!!!

The coaches and parents worked hard and the team got a "good slug" ($30/person entry and $20 rebuy/add-in ... plus a silent auction and raffles... you do the math) The coach worked really hard and every guest felt welcome. (I have to also add that MacMom worked REALLY HARD TOO...she did)

A couple years ago Lil Lefty (8 years old at the time) played for a coach, and his entourage, who tried really hard to take the "fun" out of fundraising. We spent hours on bottles drives and begging for money at the liquor stores. Yes, I wrote it correctly, girls in uniforms would stand outside of a liquir store in sub-zero temperatures asking their patrons to help support the team; ridiculous for an 8 year old!

MacMom's Dad drove up from Cleveland and watched MacDaddy and Lil' Lefty for the night because A-mac was employed elsewhere--babysitting for a neighbor.

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