Thursday, December 11, 2008


Lil' Lefty celebrates the big 10...her first birthday of double digits.
Big D made our birthday girl sausage and eggs for breakfast before heading off to work. I suprised her with french onion soup for lunch (sorry Lil' La Madeleine here) and she shared a birthday treat of ice cream cone cupcakes with her classmates. She ate her favorite take out dinner of teryaki chicken and rice with extra soy sauce and a DQ cake.
She went to make a wish and blow out her candles and MacDaddy blew out 5 of them. She didn't think it was funny. Thus, we had to relight all the candles and re sing Happy Birthday! She took 3 tries to blow out all 10 candles because she said she had 3 wishes to make and each wish needed a few candles to blow out. Needless to say, by the time all the candle were extinguished her cake was smoking and I am surprised it didn't set off our very sensitive fire alarm.

Happy Birthday Lil' Lefty! We hope all three of your wishes come true.

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