Friday, December 19, 2008

Frosty the Snowman

If I remember the story of Frosty the Snowman, Frosty got his magic from the first snow. Well today was officially the first snow for Oakville, Ontario and the entire Greater Toronto Area (GTA). Unofficially, we received about 10 inches in 6 hours. MacMom and I spent more time shoveling the snow off the ice rink, what a mess, than shoveling the driveway. That is the benefit of a Suburban and Yukon in a small driveway. Here is my Top 10 Observations about snow.
1) Kids like snow anytime.
2) Parents like snow the first snowfall of the season... when everthing is white
3) Snow is heavy to shovel
4) Even Canadians don't know how to drive well in the snow, as evidenced by the cars that got stuck in front of our house
5) Everyone likes snow on Christmas Eve - and we will have a white Christmas
6) Parents like snow when they are leaving on vacation to someplace warm
7) Snow blowers are cool
8) Sledding is better with snow
9) Wet snow makes better snowballs and snow forts
10) Dry snow is lighter

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