Sunday, December 7, 2008

Christmas Tree

On Saturday, we jumped in the Macbus and took a 20 minute ride to a local Christmas tree farm in search of the Mac Christmas Tree. Can you tell who are the kids and which are painted logs made to look like snowmen singing Christmas carols?

My Mom was here visiting and was able to take a picture of the entire family. The person in the middle is "MacMom"... usually camera shy.

We returned to the same tree farm that we got our tree from last year. It is located in Ontario's Niagara Escarpment.

Last year, there was a foot of snow on the ground. This year, none! MacDaddy and Lil' Lefty scrounged for tree pieces to put in the farm's campfire. They wanted a roaring fire instead of the neglected, dying, smokey fire the farm had going. There may not have been an accumulation of snow, but it was cold and snowing while we were there visiting the farm.

Lil' Lefty is the "unofficial" tree expert in the family and picked the tree again this year. After our hayride that MacDaddy insisted we go on (imagine a hayride in 20 degrees), we walked around the back of the barn and saw the "secret stash" of trees. Once Lil' Lefty picked our tree and the entire family approved of her tree choice, our tree began its journey up the elevator to the barn and then down the conveyor belt to be shaken, trimmed and wrapped up in twine.

We strapped the tree to the top of MacBus and drove home in the snow. We had to make a pit stop at Tim Horton's for hot cocoa (the tree farm had run out of hot cocoa), but by the time we arrived the kids decided donut holes was the better choice to warm them up. You figure that one out?

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