Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas and Cameras

The morning of Christmas Eve we found a mortal problem with our small pocket camera. It has taken its last picture.

I remember asking Santa for a camera many years ago. I was fortunate to receive a Kodak 110 with a built in flash. You didn't have to load the film in a dark room or attach it to a spindle; just drop it in the back of the camera.

Even better than the camera, and probably just as expensive, I received two 24 picture packs of film. They were more economical than the 12 picture packs. I carefully weighed the merits of each picture I shot and after a few weeks had finished the rolls and brought them to be developed. Another few days went by and we went to pick up the prints. After paying $12.56 to get the pictures developed I was surprised at some of the pictures I had taken. They couldn't have come from me. They were not good.

This year both Lil Lefty and MacDaddy got digital cameras for Christmas, from Santa. One is pink, for Lil Lefty, and the other is blue, for MacDaddy of course. They have both spent a good bit of time the last couple days playing with their digital cameras and I am happy to report that the cameras work. We have pictures of our Christmas decorations. There are pictures that I have posed for, and picture of the turkey frying. Coco, the dog, is a favorite model and if you look closely you can occasionally see a picture of MacMom.

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