Friday, October 17, 2008

42 - are you crazy?

Lil' Lefty played her first game as a Squirt (12u in Canada). Squirt means that the pitchers mound moves back to 35 feet. Her new team, the Mississauga North Tigers, is playing in a "friendly" tournament in Brampton this weekend. Lil' Lefty pitched the first game of the tournament against the Brampton Tier I team that has older girls (11-12 year olds). Lil' Lefty struck out 15 batters in 6 innings. After the game, the umpire came up to me and asked if I was her dad? He complimented me on how well she pitched. More important is that Lil' Lefty expressed to me how she really liked the girls on her new team. From what I saw tonight, I think they will be very good. I will even go out on a limb and say that they have a good chance of winning gold in Provincials next year.

Now for good weather news. It wasn't windy!
At the end of the game, we got in the car and the car thermometer read a whopping 42 degrees outside - are you crazy? Who plays softball in 4o degree weather....only Canadians! Mac Mom had to stop taking pictures because her hands were so cold. Many of the pics she did take are out of focus because she was shivering and couldn't keep the camera still. Good thing, Lil' Lefty is a pitcher and is constantly in movement. I can't believe she wore only an under armour (what a plug) under her tank jersey and Shorts! The Mac family athletic supporters were all bundled wearing multiple layers ,winter coats and gloves and sipping hot cocoa. Not once did Lil' Lefty complain about being cold. What a great sport she was! Is this the same girl that at her very first Spring soccer game in Texas she would not play because she said she was too cold and sat on a chair in a winter coat with a quilt wrapped around her? I guarantee it was much warmer than 42 degrees!

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